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Reminder Entering contact information in the reservation

This is to remind you of the need to include the passenger's contact data in the reservation. Having the passenger's contact data ensures communication in the event the itinerary is altered.

Contact data is to be added when creating the reservation or to existing reservations that do not include minimum contact data (mobile phone, email).

Remember to enter contact information as follows:

  • SSR CTCM (Special Service Requests – mobile phone number)
    • This is the field to be used to enter a mobile phone in the reservation
    • It must contain only numbers
  • SSR CTCE (Special Service Requests – Passenger's email)  
    • This is the field to be used to enter an email in the reservation
    • The characters “@”, “_” and “-” must be replaced with “//”, “..” and “./” respectively. Example:  -> jose..silva// 

Check other examples here.