- Dispute when you have supporting evidence, as it will not be possible to attach files later;
- The PBD reason field is mandatory;
- Do not forget to enter the correct value in the PBD.
What can I do if I disagree with the ADM?
A. You can file a dispute. It is very important to dispute with context and provide supporting evidence.
How to file a dispute for an ADM?
A. Disputes for ADMs must be made through BSPLINK.
What is the deadline for disputing?
A. Disputes must be made through BSPLINK within 14 days from the notification/generation of the ADM.
What happens after the dispute is made?
A. After the dispute is made, LATAM will have up to sixty days to reject or accept it. If it is rejected, the ADM will be billed.
What should I do if I miss the dispute deadline?
A billed ADM can be disputed once again, for the total or partial value, in the post-billing dispute (PBD). The agency will have up to twelve months from the generation of the ADM to do so. It can only be done once, so:
The deadline for both parties to respond to the PBD will be 30 days. If LATAM or the agency responds on the last day, i.e., on the thirtieth day, the other party will have seven more days to respond.
What happens after the PBD?
A. During the PBD period, the disputed amount remains with IATA. If the dispute is favorable to the agency, the withheld amount will be paid to them. Conversely, if the resolution is in favor of the airline, the amount will return to LATAM.
What is LATAM basing its ADM rules on?
A. LATAM's ADM policy complies with the provisions of IATA resolutions 850m and 818g, and IATA resolution 890 for chargeback cases.
Can LATAM charge any administrative fee for issuing the ADM or irregularity?
A. Yes, for each ADM generated with a date after May 22, 2024, there will be a fee of USD 10.00. It will be applied to all countries.
Was there any fee charged before May 22, 2024?
A. Yes, some countries had an administrative fee. The list of values can be viewed on our Latam Trade portal - ADM Policy - Fee or fine associated with ADMs: https://www.latamtrade.com/en_us/procom/Penalty-Policy-for-Irregularities-ADM-en
Can the administrative fee be refunded to the agency?
A. The administrative fee or fine is non-refundable unless the agency's dispute is accepted due to an error attributable to LATAM.
- Day 1: DM issuance in ARC (Memo Manager);
- Day 21: Due date for agency's 1st dispute;
- Day 42: Deadline for LATAM to respond to the dispute through the Memo Manager;
- Day 63: Deadline for agency's 2nd dispute if LATAM rejects the first dispute;
- Day 84: Deadline for LATAM to respond to the 2nd dispute via the Memo Manager;
- Day 90: Payment deadline for ADM, otherwise the ADM will be closed by the carrier in the Memo Manager.
What can I do if I disagree with the DM?
A. You can file a dispute. It is very important to dispute with context and provide supporting evidence.
How to file a dispute for a DM?
A. In the United States, Memo Manager in ARC is the only channel where LATAM will accept disputes.
How many disputes can I file?
A. Agencies will have up to 2 interactions in Memo Manager to dispute, as long as they follow the deadlines correctly.
What are the deadlines for filing a dispute?
A. The deadlines for disputes are as follows:
What happens if the agency disputes after the deadline ?
A. Disputes filed outside the deadline will not be considered.
What should the agency do if they lose the disputes or acknowledge that the debit is correct?
A. In case of rejected or not considered disputes, the agency will have to pay the amount of the DM by day 90.
What happens if the agency does not pay the debit amount?
A. In case of unpaid DM within the deadline, the agency will lose its ability to issue tickets with us until the debt has been settled. The agency must pay the outstanding balance through IAR (ARC) or by bank transfer, including the DM number as a reference. Once the payment is made, the agency must inform us through the form available here.
Can LATAM charge any administrative fee for issuing the ADM or irregularity?
A. Yes, for each DM generated with a date after May 22, 2024, there will be a fee of USD 10.00. It will be applied to all countries.
Is the administrative fee refundable?
A. The administrative fee is non-refundable unless the agency's dispute is accepted by LATAM.
- 24 hours for domestic flights in Brazil;
- For flights between South America 72 hours;
- For international flights 120 hours.
- Brazil - 1 hour from the identification of the duplication;
- SSC - Consider the time limit of the SSR in the PNR;
- EU - Consider the time limit of the SSR in the PNR;
- 24 hours for domestic flights in Brazil;
- For flights between South America 72 hours;
- For international flights 120 hours.
- Brazil - 1 hour from the identification of the duplication;
- SSC - Consider the time limit of the SSR in the PNR;
- EU - Consider the time limit of the SSR in the PNR;
- Avoid duplicating the same segment with a different flight number or date in the same PNR;
- Avoid creating itineraries that are difficult or impossible to complete;
- If you have necessary to change flights, cancel the original flights before booking the new ones.
- Enter the passenger's full name, without abbreviations;
- Avoid creating reservations with no intention to issue, just to quote or to send the itinerary to the passenger;
- Completely fictitious numbering;
- Real numbers used previously in other reservations;
- Ticket issued for a different route than the one reserved;
- Ticket issued in the name of a person different from the one in the reservation; Canceled ticket;
- Ticket with an invalid control digit:
- MCO or any other form of accounting used as a fictitious ticket.
- Issue tickets immediately for any associated reservations generated on the same day of the flight;
- Maintain internal control over reservations that have not been issued to prevent them from remaining active for longer than necessary;
- Confirm the flight intention of passengers who have not yet been issued;
- Cancel non-issued reservations close to departure;
- Create separate PNRs for separate tickets to avoid cancellations.
- Make changes to a reservation when requested by the passenger, without exceeding the maximum allowed cancellations;
- Issue on the fourth booking;
- Avoid bypassing the ticket issuance time limit by canceling and rebooking segments.
What is the PIA Portal?
A.: Portal of Agency Irregularities, where agencies can dispute and manage their irregularities, except for US.
What are the types of irregularities that an agency can receive from PIA?
A. Irregularities committed in reservations, without the need for linked tickets.
Which countries use PIA?
A. All countries with LATAM sales, except the United States.
How should I request a user?
A. I should request it by sending an email or chat to the sales team, providing the IATA code, contact person's name, and email.
Who should I contact when there is an irregularity?
A.: RI@rprotectionlatam.zendesk.com
What can be considered a duplicate reservation?
A. Those reservations in which the same passenger is present in other reservations with the same or similar itinerary, created in the same agency (PCC, IATA, or office ID), active at the same time, and where it is evident that the passenger cannot be present in both reservations.
What is the period of time between creating reservations to avoid being considered a duplicate?
A. According to the issuing country:
What is the deadline to cancel the reservation?
A. According to the issuing country:
What happens when the duplication is only for one passenger in the reservation?
A. The system will split and cancel only the duplicated passenger - who is in duplication.
What is redundant segments irregularity?
A. When two segments with the same origin and destination coexist in a reservation, and the difference in dates between them makes it impossible for the passenger to fly both segments, it creates a redundancy of segments.
What is the deadline for LATAM to classify a redundant segment?
A. According to the issuing country:
What is the deadline to cancel the reservation?
A. According to the issuing country:
What should I do to avoid this type of irregularity?
What are fake names?
A. Fictitious names are those that are entered incorrectly or have a high probability of not being real passengers, e.g., test/A, Mouse, Mickey, etc.
How to avoid this irregularity?
What can be considered an irregularity due to fictitious tickets?
A. A fictitious ticket number is considered one that has a different numbering format from a real ticket, even in the ticket format in the reservation. A fictitious ticket number is considered an attempt to bypass the ticket issuance time limit.
What happens when a fictitious ticket is used?
A. LATAM has automatic programming that cancels segments when the issuance has not occurred within the specified time limits.
What practice should be avoided to not receive these ADMs?
What does no show mean?
A.: A no show occurs when a travel agent does not cancel a reservation that is no longer required by the passenger and can result in inventory loss. LATAM has automatic programming applicable to flights operated and marketed by LATAM that cancels all segments after a no show segment in the same PNR.
When will I receive an ADM of this type?
A. When the PNR does not have any issued tickets or has a ticket issued in a canceled, exchanged, refunded, or flown status that remains active until the flight date.
How can I avoid receiving this type of ADM?
What is Churning?
A. Creating, canceling, and rebooking the same segment, travel date, same or different flight number, and the same passenger repeatedly in the same reservation or different reservations to bypass or extend the ticket issuance time limit. Churning will be considered from the fourth cancellation and the fifth rebooking for the same segment.
When will I receive an ADM of this type?
A. When the PNR does not have any issued tickets or has a ticket issued in a canceled, exchanged, refunded, or flown status that remains active until the flight date.
Is churning considered for different flights?
A. No, only for the same flight.
How to avoid this type of irregularity?
What is an irregularity due to a booking manipulation?
A. When LATAM provides availability in the system for an origin-destination (O&D), the availability provided may be different if they are requested separately or not using the complete O&D. LATAM strictly prohibits any manipulation of these reservations and, consequently, their tickets. This manipulation is known as "segment break." PNRs that were not booked based on the availability offered for that O&D will be canceled and penalized.
Can I book flight by flight?
A. Yes, as long as the reservation is in accordance with the availability offered by the company.
- If the reported fare basis does not exist;
- If the reported value does not match the fare basis;
- Issuances with waiver or tour code without the code being informed in the corresponding field;
- Issuances with discounts without using the percentage entry. For example: SABRE = WPQ/FM/DP (percentage), Amadeus = FXX/ZO- (percentage) P*FM;
- Issuances without the correct use of the ticket designator;
- Issuances that do not comply with fare regulations. Some examples include Flight Application - Category 4, Seasonality - Category 3, Maximum Stay - Category 7, Minimum Stay - Category 6, Stopovers - Category 8, Tour Conductor Discounts - Category 20, Travel Date Restrictions - Category 14, Day/Time - Category 2, Advance Reservations/Ticketing - Category 2; **
- Issuances with booking classes and fare basis that do not correspond.
- If the reported fare basis does not exist;
- If the reported value does not match the fare basis;
- Issuances with waiver or tour code without the code being informed in the corresponding field; *
- Issuances with discounts without using the percentage entry. For example: SABRE = WPQ/FM/DP (percentage), Amadeus = FXX/ZO- (percentage) P*FM;
- Issuances without the correct use of the ticket designator;
- Issuances with incorrectly collected penalties, Penalties - Category 16, Voluntary Changes - Category 31. If there are different penalties for segments, always consider the highest one;
- Incorrectly charged fees (code or value);
- Incorrectly charged cost recovery fee, incorrectly charged YR (When the issuance has more LA coupons or the original issuance has not collected the surcharge);
- Issuances outside the validity period;
- Issuances changing the business, for example: domestic ticket for an international one;
- Changes that generate residual balance for the agency;
- Incorrectly charging penalties (It should be within the ticket with the OD code, except for the United States and Canada, which use the CP code to collect the penalty);
- Issuances that do not comply with fare regulations. Some examples include Flight Application - Category 4, Seasonality - Category 3, Maximum Stay - Category 7, Minimum Stay - Category 6, Stopovers - Category 8, Tour Conductor Discounts - Category 20, Travel Date Restrictions - Category 14 and 15, Day/Time - Category, Penalties - Category 16, Voluntary Changes - Category 31;
- Issuances with booking classes and fare basis that do not correspond;
- Name changes when the penalty and fare difference have not been paid;
- Failure to maintain the original fare basis in an involuntary issuance.
- Depending on the ticket characteristics, route, flight date, issuance date, segment, class, fare basis, etc., there may be variations in the allowed percentage or even the commission may not be allowed;
- When there is a tour code for the commission, it is important to use the TC correctly in the tour code box without any typing errors. Additionally, there should be no discrepancies from what has been approved. Each tour code will have specific characteristics regarding route, flight date, issuance date, segment, class, fare, basis, etc. Tour codes have an expiration date.
- Refund outside the deadline: If a travel agent requests a refund for a ticket after the airline's established deadline, an ADM can be issued for not following the cancellation policy;
- Non-refundable fare, airport taxes, taxes, and other non-refundable charges: If a travel agent requests a refund for a non-refundable portion, the airline may issue an ADM;
- Lack of supporting documentation in involuntary refunds or for commercial exceptions: If a travel agent provides inaccurate or incomplete documentation when requesting a refund, the airline may issue a debit. It is important to consult the customer service channels in case of any question;
- Incorrectly calculated refund and incorrect application of penalties: Whenever a document is voluntarily refunded, it must comply with all rules - Penalties - Category 16, Voluntary Refunds - Category 33. If the applied penalty is different from what the fare regulation states, the agency may receive a debit. It can also generate an ADM in situations where the charged values are not correct.
¿Can I receive an ADM due to the fare basis or chosen fare?
A: Yes, whenever there is any irregularity, a debit will be issued to the agency.
¿What are the main reasons for this type of ADM??
A: There are many possibilities for receiving a debit due to the fare. Here are some examples:
* The fact that an issuance has a tour code or waiver does not exempt the responsibility to comply with fare regulations, unless the exception is precisely to enable this.
** The categories mentioned are examples of restrictions that can generate an ADM. It is the agent's responsibility to check for restrictions. If there are any doubts, please contact our support or your GDS support.
¿Can I dispute an ADM for fare basis or fare??
A: Yes, as long as you have supporting evidence, it will be possible to do so, according to the deadlines and dispute quantities allowed through BSP or ARC, as applicable.
¿Can I receive an ADM for a ticket exchange??
A: Yes, whenever there is any irregularity, a debit will be issued to the agency.
¿What are the main reasons for an ADM for an exchange?
A: There are various possibilities. Here are some examples of the main reasons:
* The fact that an issuance has a tour code or waiver does not exempt the responsibility to comply with the rest of the fare regulations, unless the exception is precisely to enable this.
** The categories mentioned are examples of restrictions that can generate an ADM. It is the agent's responsibility to check for restrictions. If there are any doubts, please contact our support or your GDS support.
Can I receive an ADM due to commission?
A: Yes. In cases where the commission or tour code (if applicable) is entered incorrectly, the agency may receive an ADM.
What are the main cases that can generate an ADM for commission?
A: It is important to pay attention to the commercial agreements regarding commission:
Can I dispute an ADM for commission?
A: Yes, as long as you have supporting evidence, it will be possible to do so, according to the deadlines and dispute quantities allowed.
Why can I receive a refund ADM?
A: You can receive a refund ADM if you fail to comply with the refund rules or refund a portion of the document that is not allowed. The main reasons are:
Will I receive an ADM if I refund the YR surcharge??
A: The YR surcharge, or the distribution cost recovery fee, can only be refunded in the case of an involuntary refund - according to passenger protection policies or for cases of withdrawal rights, for countries where it applies. Whenever it can be refunded, the YR will be proportional to the refunded coupons. If you do not meet these requirements, the agency will be penalized for refunding the value of this surcharge;
And for a ticket outside the validity period, can I refund the airport taxes?
A: As long as they are refundable taxes and have not been used, yes. If you have doubts about whether an airport tax can be refunded, you can contact your GDS support to confirm.
Can I dispute a refund ADM?
A: Yes, as long as you have supporting evidence, it will be possible to do so, according to the deadlines and dispute quantities allowed.
What is a chargeback?
R.:A chargeback is a process in which a customer requests their bank or financial institution to refund the money from a transaction made with a credit card.
What are the main causes of a chargeback??
R.: It can occur when a customer disputes with the bank, claiming, for example, that they have not received the contracted service or that it is an unauthorized charge. The financial institution may agree with the customer and refund the money.
How will I become aware of a chargeback?
R.: The agency will be notified by e-mail, with the details of the chargeback and instructions on how to proceed to verify the charge. If it is not possible to do so and the amount is reversed in favor of the customer, a debit will be generated.
¿Can I dispute it if I receive a chargeback ADM?
R.:Whenever there is supporting evidence to demonstrate the legitimacy of the transaction, yes, it will be possible to dispute. The dispute will be analyzed.
¿What documents should I attach to appeal and avoid being rejected??
R. All documentation that serves to evidence the legitimacy of the transaction or alternative payment methods should be attached. All supporting documentation will be analyzed.
What does UNR mean?
A: UNR stands for Used Not Reported, which means that the sale has been made but not reported to LATAM.
When will I receive the UNR ADM?
A: You will receive the UNR ADM whenever a sale is not reported in BSPLINK, ARC, or the system responsible for settlement.
Can this happen with NDC documents?
A: Yes, it is possible.
What should I do once I receive an ADM from UNR?
A: You should proceed with the payment or dispute it if you have any evidence that justifies that the sale has been completed and received by LATAM.
- Do not change the card that the customer originally used to make their payments;
- In case of requiring an exception or authorization, express authorization from LATAM must be requested prior to card usage. The request can be reasonably approved or rejected;
- Exceptions may be authorized by LATAM in a general or specific manner;
- Authorizations for general exceptions will be granted if the alternative payment method requested by the agency has a cost equal to or lower than LATAM's payment method cost. On the other hand, authorizations for specific exceptions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by LATAM.
ADM generated by the use of a Credit Card from travel agency employees, owners, or executives as substitutes for the passenger's credit card or the selected payment method by the passenger.
Can I receive ADM for using a credit card when issuing a document?
A: Yes, as LATAM does not authorize the use of credit cards from the agency itself, whether it is the issuing agency/IATA or the client agency, by travel agency employees, owners, or executives as substitutes for the passenger's credit card or the selected payment method by the passenger.
Are there any exceptions?
A: For cases in which there is prior explicit and written consent from LATAM. This consent must be requested and granted clearly and unambiguously before using the travel agency's credit card or its representatives as a means of payment for LATAM services. Requests must be made to LATAM's Agency Support Executives. Additionally, there are countries that, due to current legislation, do not allow the application of the fine, such as Brazil and Colombia.
What is LATAM basing its credit card usage rules on?
A: The reference is Resolution 890 issued by IATA, which establishes the rules for selling customer cards.
Is there a way to consult Resolution 890?
A: Yes, the resolution can be found on the IATA website at https://www.iata.org/.
What practices can we do to avoid receiving fines?
What will be the debit amount?
A: In case LATAM detects the irregularity described, penalties or Agent Debit Memos (ADMs) may be generated to travel agencies for an amount equivalent to 2% of the value paid by credit card.
- Approved fare basis;
- Groups/Series tour code;
- Base Fare per passenger.
- Taxes (taxes must be calculated at time of ticketing)
- Carefully review the ticketing instructions on our website or in your group / series contract (Ex. Farebasis, Base Fare & Tour Code).
- Verify your cancellation period for reductions or cancellations.
- If you have any questions regarding group issuance, please contact our Group Desk through our chat located on our web page LATAM Trade or you can email them.
- On the group and series website, there is an option to review the where you can track the upcoming penalties and avoid any debit memos.
When can I receive a debit memo for groups and series?
A: Groups and Series debit memos will be applied to total or partial cancellations within the penalty period according to the contract, or in any irregularities in ticket issuance.
What are the main points to verify before issuing a group?
Regarding penalties, how can I avoid them?
What should I do if I receive an ADM?
A: If you have any questions related with the debit memo received, you should contact our group desk support. It is possible to dispute through ARC/BSPLINK. The dispute must have a support, such as a commercial waiver, documents, or an email with the evidence.