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LATAM TRADE - Exclusive Portal for Travel Partners

ADM Policy | Penalty Policy for Irregularities

    In the management of transactions between travel agencies and LATAM Airlines, Agent Debit Memos (ADMs) play a fundamental role. They are key to maintaining transparency and ensuring compliance with the commercial agreements established between both parties. In other words, ADMs notify travel agencies that, unless there is a valid justification, they have an outstanding debt with the issuing airline for the amount indicated in the ADM and for the reasons specified.


    In order to guide our travel agency partners on the practices that are subject to ADM collection, we would like to remind you of the following:


    • LATAM's ADM policy complies with IATA resolution 850m and IATA resolution 890 for charge back cases.
    • LATAM may issue ADMs for any type of irregularity, non-compliance or errors associated with, but not limited to, fare rules issued, booking, issuance, re-issuance and refund policies, tax calculation, sale settlement, mandatory fields on issuance, commission rendition, taxes and penalties.
    • LATAM may include in the ADM administrative fees or fines related to the issuance of the ADM or the type of irregularity. As of May 22, 2024, the administrative fee or penalty is $10 USD for all countries and is non-refundable. The amount is stated in U.S. dollars (USD), but will be charged in local currency, so please convert accordingly.
    • The minimum ADM amount established by LATAM is USD 5 or equivalent in local currency, which may be adjusted in case of recurring irregularities.
    • ADMs generated for non-compliance with issued fare rules result in amounts that are the difference between the issued fare and the applicable public fare as of the date of issuance for the issued booking class or the next higher applicable class.
    • ADMs generated by non-compliance with policies, mandatory fields, surrender of commissions imposed and fines are translated into amounts equivalent to the value of the non-compliant item.
    • The distribution of ADMs will be made through the open channels that the company has available in each market, whether BSP LINK, ARC, email or any other available channel.
    • Please note that LATAM Airlines has the PIA (Agency Irregularities Portal) system for our partner agencies to manage and dispute irregularities made on bookings (without the need for a linked issued ticket) - not available to U.S. agencies.


    LATAM Airlines has the PIA (Agency Irregularities Portal) system that manages the process of detection, publication and collection of irregularities found by LATAM in travel agency bookings without the need for a linked issued ticket. These fines or penalties are commonly known as ALs.


    Through the PIA, relevant information on irregularities is made available and a channel is opened with LATAM to manage each irregularity detected, allowing the agency to submit its dispute to request the cancellation or reimbursement of a fine for an irregularity.


    Two forms of reply will be made available:


    Appeal: An instance in which irregularities for a given period are only published in the PIA. Agencies may appeal their cases during the 15 days prior to the issuance of the collection documents, avoiding the issuance of ALs.

    Dispute: Agencies may dispute charges through the PIA. If the dispute is accepted within 20 days of issuance, it will be cancelled and no collection will be made. Otherwise, upon payment of the AL, accepted disputes will be returned to the agency through the ALC (ALC credit).

    Access to PIA:

    Not available for U.S. agencies.


    The scope of the audit covers, among other things, the following:





    No Show

    Reservations with unissued segments or without an associated ticket number will be considered No Show, as well as reservations with tickets with statuses considered invalid to fly, such as void, exchange, refund, which remained active until the date of the flight.


    Fictitious names

    The reservation, issuance or re-issuance of tickets under a fictitious name, i.e., under a name that does not correspond to a real name.


    Duplication of reservations or redundant segments

    The reservation, issuance or re-issuance of tickets for duplicate reservations (or in redundant segments), considered to be those in which the same passenger has reservations that are part of the same itinerary or similar itineraries, created by the same agency (PCC, IATA and office ID), that are simultaneously active and that it is evident that it is impossible to be present for both reservations.


    If similar flights between bookings are domestic, LATAM will classify them as duplicates if the difference in departure time between them is less than or equal to 24 hours. For flights within South America, 72 hours is established, while it will be 120 hours for the remaining international flights.



    The practice known as churning is prohibited, which is the successive cancellation and reservation of a segment, with the purpose of manipulating the flight schedules established by the airline, seeking promotional fares and/or meeting the productivity goals imposed by GDS's (Global Distribution System). Such a practice affects the availability of flights and causes damage to LATAM. For the purposes of this policy, the fourth cancellation (and subsequent occurrences) made by the travel agent or LATAM partner on the same reservation will be considered churning.


    Inconsistent tickets

    The issuance or re-issuance of inconsistent tickets, which are those with invalid numbering or inconsistent reservation information, such as:

    I. Reservations with tickets containing fictitious numbering;

    II. Reservations with tickets used in another reservation;

    III. Reservations with tickets with inconsistent information related to passenger, itinerary, classes, flight date, etc.;

    IV. Reservations with active segments associated to coupons with void, flown, refund or exchange status.


    LATAM may issue ADMs for any type of irregularities, non-compliances or errors associated with, but not limited to, fare rules issued, booking, issuance, re-issuance and refund policies, tax calculation, sale settlement, mandatory fields in issuance, surrender of commissions, taxes and fines. The scope of the audit covers, among other aspects, the following:








    Carrier is retrieving funds paid on a transaction that is not commission eligible (zero commission is the only
    acceptable amount).



    Incorrect Commission

    Carrier is retrieving funds paid on a transaction where more commission was taken than allowed



    Incorrect Commissions – Invalid Tour or Ticket Designator

    Carrier is retrieving funds paid on a transaction where more
    commission was taken than allowed.
    Commission not applicable due to:
    • Invalid (incorrect or expired) tour code or ticket
    • Tour code or ticket designator is not located in
    requested field.
    • Class of service is not valid per commission



    Incorrect Commissions – Missing Tour or Ticket Designator

    Carrier is retrieving funds paid on a transaction where more
    commission was taken than allowed.
    Commission not applicable due to:
    • Missing tour code or ticket designator.
    • Tour code or ticket designator is not located in
    requested field.
    • Class of service does not match commission



    EX - Fare Under Collected - Other

    Debit memo issued for fare not calculated accurately (no ATPCO fare rule violations)



    EX - Penalty Fee Not Collected

    Agent processed exchange without deducting penalty amount



    EX - Penalty Fee Not Accurately Collected

    Agent processed exchange without deducting the accurate penalty



    EX - Class Error - Category 1

    Incorrect booking type for the selected fare base.



    EX - Day/Time Application - Category 2

    Day/Time (Category 2) is used to define time and/or days of the
    week when travel is permitted or not permitted



    EX - Exchange Validity Error

    Ticket/Document has expired and is not valid for exchange.



    EX - Exchange Not Permitted

    Exchange not allowed per carrier’s rules.



    EX - Advance Reservations and Ticketing Category 5 Fare Rule Violation

    Advance Reservations and Ticketing (Category 5) is used to define advance reservations and ticketing requirements applicable to a fare. Reservation restrictions may be specified as a period of time before departure of the originating flight of the pricing unit that indicates either the latest time reservations are required or the earliest time reservations are permitted. Ticketing restrictions are specified as either a period of time before departure of the originating flight of the pricing unit and/or a period of time after reservations are confirmed that indicate the latest time ticketing is required.



    EX - Blackout Dates[1]Category 11 Fare Rule Violation

    The Blackout Dates Category (Category 11) provides the capability
    to define single dates or date ranges when travel is not permitted



    EX - Combinability Category 10 Fare Rule Violation

    This category supports combinations that are permitted with
    specified fares and other fares to create one way round trip, circle
    trip and open jaw transportation. Combinability is the process of
    using multiple fares or half of round trip fares to arrive at a
    complete fare to be charged to the passenger.
    The Combinations
    category (Category 10) has nine subset categories



    EX - Incorrect Commissions

    Debit memo issued to retrieve funds paid on a transaction for where
    more commission was taken than allowed.



    EX - Minimum Stay Category 6

    Minimum Stay (Category 6) is used to define when the earliest that
    return travel may commence. Minimum stay is calculated from the
    departure of the point specified in the From field to the point
    specified in the To field.



    EX - Maximum Stay Category 7

    The Maximum Stay Category (Category 7) provides the capability
    to indicate the last time at which travel must commence or must be
    from the point specified in the Return Travel From field.
    Calculation of this date may be based on travel commencement or
    ticket issuance, and the maximum stay may be stated as either a
    day of week or elapsed time.



    EX - Sales Restrictions -Category 15

    Category 15 is present when the sale of a fare is restricted by
    various conditions. These conditions include reservations/ticketing
    dates, countries/currencies of sale, form of payment, method of
    ticketing, who may sell the fare, and/or locales where the fare may
    or may not be sold.
    Every private tariff fare must have an associated Category 15
    provision detailing who is permitted to sell and display the fare.



    EX – Seasonality Category 3

    Seasonality (Category 3) provides the capability to specify
    permitted dates or date ranges of travel



    EX – Stopovers Category 8

    Category 8 defines the conditions under which stopovers are
    and the applicable charges. It is assumed that stopovers
    are not permitted unless this category is present. However, when
    stopovers are allowed, it is assumed that they may be made at any
    point along the carrier’s route



    EX - Tax calculation is invalid

    Inaccurate Collection of Taxes. Tax code(s) is correct but one or
    more of the amounts is invalid



    EX - Taxes collected under one/wrong code

    Inaccurate Collection of Taxes. One or more taxes collected
    under the one/wrong tax code



    EX – Taxes not collected

    One or more tax(s) was not collected



    EX - Travel Restrictions Category 14

    Category 14 (Travel Restrictions) is used to convey the travel dates
    associated with a fare. It can indicate the first date at which travel
    may commence within a pricing unit, journey or fare component,
    the last date at which travel may commence for a pricing unit,
    journey or fare component, and the last date of travel permitted for
    a pricing unit, journey or fare component.
    Category 14 is more commonly as a footnote and not in the fare
    rule as the Footnote Provision will override the fare rule provision.



    EX - Surcharges -
    Category 12

    The surcharge category (Category 12) is used to define conditions
    when surcharges are applicable to the fare being validated as well
    as the corresponding charge.
    The following conditions may be used to define surcharge
    applicability: airport/terminal, business class, peak travel time,
    equipment, fuel, peak, holiday, side trip, seasonal, weekend,
    Sleeperette, waiver for advance purchase requirements,
    navigation, security, maximum stay waiver, RBD,



    Taxes not collected

    Taxes not paid on reissue



    Name change

    Name change not allowed according to LATAM policy.
    Ticket with use
    NON REF Fare



    IATA change

    IATA change between different and unrelated agencies.



    Origin/destination change

    Origin/destination change in an involuntary reissue is not allowed. They are audited as a voluntary change to the next available rate.



    YQ/YR was not accurately calculated

    Carrier surcharge. YQ/YR was not accurately



    YQ/YR was not collected

    Carrier surcharge. YQ/YR was not collected.



    Unpaid fare difference

    Fare difference not paid on exchange


    Prime Sales

    Fare Under Collected - Other

    Debit memo issued for fare not calculated accurately (no ATPCO fare
    rule violation(s)


    Prime Sales

    Various Sales Rule Restrictions - Category 15

    Category 15 is present when the sale of a fare is restricted by various
    conditions. These conditions include reservations/ticketing dates,
    countries/currencies of sale, form of payment, method of ticketing,
    who may sell the fare, and/or locales where the fare may or may not
    be sold
    Every private tariff fare must have an associated Category 15
    provision detailing who is permitted to sell and display the fare.


    Prime Sales

    YQ/YR was not accurately calculated

    Carrier surcharge. YQ/YR was not accurately


    Prime Sales

    YQ/YR was not collected

    Carrier surcharge. YQ/YR was not collected.


    Prime Sales

    Tax calculation is invalid

    Tax calculation is invalid


    Prime Sales

    Day/Time Application - Category 2

    Day/Time (Category 2) is used to define time and/or days of the week
    when travel is permitted or not permitted


    Prime Sales

    Seasonality - Category 3

    Seasonality (Category 3) provides the capability to specify permitted
    dates or date ranges of travel.


    Prime Sales

    Advance Reservations and Ticketing - Category 5

    Advance Reservations and Ticketing (Category 5) is used to define
    advance reservations and ticketing requirements applicable to a fare.
    Reservation restrictions may be specified as a period of time before
    departure of the originating flight of the pricing unit that indicates
    either the latest time reservations are required or the earliest time
    reservations are permitted.
    Ticketing restrictions are specified as either a period of time before
    departure of the originating flight of the pricing unit and/or a period of
    time after reservations are confirmed that indicate the latest time
    ticketing is required


    Prime Sales

    Minimum Stay - Category 6

    Minimum Stay (Category 6) is used to define when the earliest that
    return travel may commence. Minimum stay is calculated from the
    departure of the point specified in the From field to the point specified
    in the To field.


    Prime Sales

    Travel Date Restrictions - Category 14

    Category 14 (Travel Restrictions) is used to convey the travel dates
    associated with a fare. It can indicate the first date at which travel
    may commence within a pricing unit, journey or fare component, the
    last date at which travel may commence for a pricing unit, journey or
    fare component, and the last date of travel permitted for a pricing
    unit, journey or fare component.
    Category 14 is more commonly as a footnote and not in the fare rule
    as the Footnote Provision will override the fare rule provision


    Prime Sales

    Maximum Stay - Category 7

    The Maximum Stay Category (Category 7) provides the capability to
    indicate the last time at which travel must commence or must be
    from the point specified in the Return Travel From field.
    Calculation of this date may be based on travel commencement or
    ticket issuance, and the maximum stay may be stated as either a day
    of week or elapsed time.


    Prime Sales

    Stopovers - Category 8

    Category 8 defines the conditions under which stopovers are permitted and the applicable charges. It is assumed that stopovers are not permitted unless this category is present. However, when stopovers are allowed, it is assumed that they may be made at any point along the carrier’s route.


    Prime Sales

    Flight Application - Category 4

    Flight Application (Category 4) is used to further restrict a fare
    beyond a specified routing and/or transfer capabilities by restricting
    travel to a specific flight number or ranges, carriers, geographic
    locations and/or portions of travel, and types of services


    Prime Sales

    Tax overpaid

    Tax paid for a lower amount


    Prime Sales

    Incorrect Fare Class

    Incorrect booking type for the selected fare base.


    Prime Sales

    Blackout Dates - Category 11

    The Blackout Dates Category (Category 11) provides the capability to
    define single dates or date ranges when travel is not permitted.


    Prime Sales

    Fare Under Collected – Discount Not Allowed

    Debit memo issued for fare not calculated accurately (no ATPCO fare
    rule violations).
    Discount applied in a market not allowed in contract


    Prime Sales

    Fare Under Collected – Invalid
    Tour or Ticket Designator

    Invalid Tour Code


    Prime Sales

    Surcharges - Category 12

    The surcharge category (Category 12) is used to define conditions
    when surcharges are applicable to the fare being validated as well as
    the corresponding charge.
    The following conditions may be used to define surcharge
    applicability: airport/terminal, business class, peak travel time,
    equipment, fuel, peak, holiday, side trip, seasonal, weekend,
    Sleeperette, waiver for advance purchase requirements, navigation,
    security, maximum stay waiver, RBD, miscellaneous/other.


    Prime Sales

    Taxes not collected

    Taxes not collected



    Invalid Refund Calculation - Commission error

    Recall Commissions. Carrier is retrieving funds refunded by the agent.



    Refund of Non-Refundable Fare

    Agent refunded a non refundable ticket without
    documenting valid airline approval



    Invalid Refund Calculation - Tax calculation error

    One of more taxes refunded incorrectly.
    This is a miscalculation of any tax on a full or partially used ticket.



    Refund Penalty Under Collected

    Penalty calculation error. Agent processed refund without deducting proper penalty amount.



    Invalid Refund Calculation - Tax on Commission error

    Invalid Refund Calculation - Tax on Commission error



    Invalid Refund Calculation - Fare Error

    Incorrect fare calculation for a full or partial refund. Carrier needs to define what caused the incorrect calculation. This is a miscalculation of the fare.



    Refund Penalty Not Collected

    Penalty calculation error. Agent processed refund without deducting penalty amount.



    Refund Ticket Validity Error

    Refund of a ticket that no longer has value.



    Invalid Refund Calculation - Tax calculation error, Non-Refundable YQYR

    taxes refunded incorrectly, the miscalculation of YQ/YR carrier surcharge.



    Invalid Refund Calculation - Fare Error, Tax calculation error

    Incorrect fare/tax calculation for a full or partial refund.


    The administrative fee to be generated from May 22, 2024 is $10 USD for all countries. The amount is stipulated in US dollars (USD), but will be charged in local currency, therefore the corresponding conversion must be made.


    • The administrative fee or penalty is non-refundable, except when an agency dispute is acknowledged due to an error attributable to LATAM.

    • For countries where sales tax (IGV, etc.) applies, the value of the tax is included in the FEE amount indicated.

    • Omissions of information in the issuance of EMDs or tickets that consequently generate ADMs will be subject to an administrative charge even if the amount of the irregularity is subsequently disputed, so that even if the ADM is cancelled, the administrative charge will continue to be levied.


    The ADM dispute process is the procedure followed when a travel agency disagrees with the charge or adjustment made through an ADM. When a travel agency receives an ADM that it considers incorrect or unjustified, it may initiate the dispute process, which involves filing a formal complaint with the airline and the relevant service provider, explaining in detail the reasons why the charge or adjustment is disputed.


    BSPLink Agencies 


    ADM disputes must be made using the BSPLINK. The deadlines for disputes are as follows:


    • Day 1: Issuance of ADM in BSPLink. 
    • Day 14: Deadline for the agency to dispute the ADM.
    • + 60 days: Once the agency has submitted the dispute, LATAM will have a further 60 days to accept or reject it. If rejected, the ADM will be billed.

    If the agency misses the deadline to file the dispute, it can still dispute an invoiced ADM, either for the full or partial value, through the PBD (post billing dispute). The agency has up to 12 months from the generation of the ADM to do so. However, only one dispute is allowed at this stage. Remember that if you have obtained a waiver or authorization you must enter it at the time of opening the PBD, and only at that time.


    Both LATAM and the agency will have 30 days to respond to the PBD. If either party responds on the last day (day 30), the other party will have an additional 7 days to respond.


    During the PBD period, the disputed amount is held by IATA. If the dispute is in favor of the agency, the amount withheld will be paid to the agency. On the other hand, if the resolution is in favor of the airline, the amount will be returned to LATAM.


    ARC Agencies 


    The Memo Manager in ARC is the only channel in which LATAM accepts disputes from agencies using ARC. Please note that, for agencies using ARC, the term DM (Debit Memo) is more commonly used instead of ADM (Agent Debit Memo).


    Agencies have up to 2 interactions in Memo Manager to submit a dispute, as long as they follow the established deadlines correctly. The deadlines for disputes are as follows:


    • Day 1: Issuance of DM in ARC (Memo Manager).
    • Day 21: Deadline for agency to make its first DM dispute.
    • Day 42: Deadline for LATAM to respond to the first dispute in Memo Manager.
    • Day 63: Last chance to dispute DM in the event of rejection of the first dispute.
    • Day 84: Deadline for LATAM to respond to the second dispute.
    • Day 90: Payment deadline, otherwise DM will be closed by the airline in Memo Manager.


    Disputes made outside the established deadlines will not be considered. If the agency's disputes are rejected or the agency acknowledges that the debit is correct, it must pay the amount of the DM by the 90th day.


    In the event that the agency does not pay the debit amount within the established deadline, it will no longer be able to issue tickets with LATAM until the debt has been paid. The agency must pay the balance through IAR (ARC) or by bank transfer. Once the payment has been made, the agency must inform LATAM using the following available here




    Name of bank:

    Citibank, NA

    Bank Address:

    111 Wall Street, New York, NY 10043

    Account number:


    Account type:




    ABA number:


    Swift code:



    IATA Resolution 890 establishes the rules and agreements for the acceptance of cards by airlines, allowing them to receive payment for the sale of passenger air transportation and ancillary services performed by travel agencies.


    It is important to note that LATAM does not authorize the use of travel agency credit cards, travel agency owners and travel agency executives in lieu of the customer's credit card or the customer's chosen means of payment, unless they have the express written consent of LATAM.


    To avoid this type of irregularity, the following is recommended:


    • Do not change the card that the customer originally used to make payments. 
    • If an exception or authorization is required, LATAM's express authorization for card use must be requested beforehand. The request may be duly approved or rejected. 
    • Exceptions may be authorized by LATAM in a general or specific manner. 
    • Authorizations for general exceptions will be authorized if the alternative means of payment requested by the agency has a cost equal to or lower than the cost of LATAM's means of payment. Authorizations for specific exceptions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by LATAM.


    In the event that LATAM detects any of the above-described irregularities, fines or Agent Debit Memos ("ADMs") may be generated to travel agencies for an amount equivalent to 2% of the amount paid by credit card.


    The airline documents published via this medium in no way represent the opinion or policy of BSPLink Management or IATA. The information contained in these documents is provided by the airline named in them for the benefit of BSPLink users. IATA accepts no responsibility for any misstatement or misrepresentation in these documents, nor for their content or the use of information contained herein.