New Regulations for Passengers Traveling to Rapa Nui
We hereby inform you that as of the 1st of August 2018 law Nº 21,070 comes into effect. Said law governs rights to residency, stay and transfer to and from Rapa Nui (IPC) Chile.This Law establishes that every passenger who enters Easter Island may stay for a maximum period of thirty days, unless he or she is a resident of the IPC or has the qualifying quality defined in the law to remain for a longer time than indicated.
In order to comply with the new decree, all passengers traveling to IPC must comply with the following requirements and present the following documentation when boarding their flight:
- Valid ID or passport.
- Printed copy or digital issuance of a return ticket from Easter Island.
- Printed copy or digital issuance of a booking at a hotel, indicating address, or, an invitation letter from a resident on the island of Rapa Nui
- Documentation that proves that the passenger apply for the exceptions indicated in the Law*
- Present the Single Immigration Form (FUI according to its initials in spanish) for entry to the island, filled in and stamped by the PDI (Chilean Police Investigations Division) when boarding the aircraft.
Given the previous, travel agents must take into consideration the following aspects when making reservations, issuances, changes or redeeming tickets to IPC:
- Non-resident passengers must be advised of the boarding requirements at the moment of making the reservation, issuance or exchange. Backup of this warning should be left in the reservation.
- The issuance or changes to a stay of no more than 30 days for payment or prize tickets should be limited for non-residents IPC.
Passengers with tickets purchased before August 1 to IPC with a stay greater than 30 days, may request a change of date subject to cabin (without fare difference or penalty) to reduce their stay and comply with the Law or request involuntary refund (if they have not started trip). When making the change, enter in the Endorsement field WAIVED IPC MX STAY. When entering the refund, enter it as involuntary by entering in comments the WAIVED IPC MX STAY note.
To correctly apply controls of these restrictions LATAM will implement the following measures:
- This information will be registered in TIMATIC starting August 1st.
- The Single Immigration Form (FUP) will be made available at SCL counters for all passengers traveling to IPC. Once filled in passengers must then go through the counters annexed to the Police Investigations Division to get their papers stamped.
- The MCT (minimum connecting time) for connections DOM/DOM travelling to IPC will be modified to 1 hour 30 minutes.
- A note is included in category 07 (Maximum Stay) of the rates indicating: "NON-RESIDENTS IN IPC: THE MAXIMUM STAY MUST NOT EXCEED 30 DAYS".
This information will be updated to the system on the 1st of August 2018.